Strata Consultants

Seven years ago, Rob and I found ourselves on two strata committees, we’d just purchased two investment properties in two different strata schemes. Our combined skill sets, Rob a building engineer and me a project manager provided a set of skills that would eventually lead to a successful engineering consulting service and the production of the Strata Portal. We can assist your strata company with the following services:

Today, we consult to strata managers and strata committees, we have developed a 10-year forward maintenance plan template that ensures the value of strata company's assets are maintained and where possible increase. We resolve complex building problems by identifying the real source of the problem and fixing it the first time.

Our consulting rate is $175/hr. If you’d like us to advise your strata committee, tell us more about your property below. Alternatively, you can purchase access to The Strata Portal for a low monthly fee. The portal contains everything we know about running a strata company effectively along with handy online templates to make your job easier.

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